Business Academy
Creating a digital academy opens up the possibility for you to highlight your implication in managing your talents.
Creating a digital academy for your employees
Our educational engineers support you with the deployment of your own academy. From the integration of the Griky remote teaching platform, to support with digital learning creation, you’ll get all of the benefits of our experience with the tool and our expertise in digital learning and rapid learning.
This way, you get the benefits of a special package, including:
Annual subscription to the Griky platform
Initial configuration of the LXP
Support with setting up and administrating the LXP
Support with educational and training engineering
Support with creating digital learning

Support based on teaching
We support you with the deployment and development of your digital academy, hosted on the Griky LXP.
All of your employees will have access to your remote teaching platform’s digital learning training catalogue, hosting your own content and/or that of web suppliers:OpenClassrooms, Coursera…Your employees will also chat in sharing communities, and will be trained through content selected from our academy’s lessons on training and the digital learning creation tools. Apside is able to offer your customised support for the creation of your business academy.This service includes:
Provision of our digital learning training course for the creation of digital learning lessons for Griky
Customisation of the digital learning lesson catalogue
Co-construction of a digital onboarding course
Consultancy in educational engineering and training engineering
To find out more and to discover our platform, get in touch with us at this address: