Larry Cloud / DevOps Consultant

Cloud / DevOps consultant
Larry’s story
At secondary school, Larry decided to devote himself fully to IT, opting for a GSI (Information Systems Management) baccalaurĂ©at. After obtaining this diploma, he continued his studies with a BTS in Computer Science and Networks, thus reinforcing his technical and professional skills. Driven by a desire to go further, Larry joined the ITESCIA school, where he obtained both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree under a work-study programme at Orange, with three years’ experience under his belt.
At the end of his academic career, Larry began his professional career with an ESN, starting with a mission focused on Cloud technologies. After three years and several projects, he decided to join another consultancy to broaden his horizons. However, following a management buy-out, Larry decided to explore new opportunities.
It was through recommendations and contacts that he was put in touch with Apside. After several discussions with Alexis and the Apside team, he decided to join the group.
Why did he choose Apside?
“I was already working on a mission where I felt fulfilled, with an excellent relationship with the client. The buyout of my previous company and discussions with managers and the client were decisive factors in my decision to continue my career at Apside.”
Larry’s missions
Larry currently holds the position of Cloud / DevOps consultant within our Apside Infrastructure business unit.His evolving role and project requirements place him in a hybrid position, working directly with our customers Warner and SNCF.
At Warner, Larry is responsible for DevOps functions and deploys a wide range of expertise. In addition to his active participation in projects, he also provides support for ticket management.As far as his projects are concerned, whether it’s the integration of an interface or an application, he is responsible for putting in place the necessary resources to enable them to be deployed in the cloud, in line with the needs expressed by the team.To do this, Larry uses Terraform templates to version the changes made to the environments, guaranteeing complete traceability of the actions carried out. This process not only facilitates the monitoring and transmission of information, but also ensures effective change management.Although his work is mainly focused on AWS, Larry has mastered the multi-cloud approach (Azure, AWS, GCP).
At the same time, Larry is contributing to an Apside platform on a project for SNCF, where he is responsible for setting up dashboards, supervision tools and service weather forecasts. These tools give the run teams a real-time view of the state of the tools and platforms.
His actions are strictly in line with the specifications provided, and are validated at meetings where he justifies his technical and functional choices. These discussions enable the dashboards to be adjusted if necessary.To create these dashboards, Larry uses Datadog, which enables agents to be deployed and the data required to produce them to be aggregated.